vocal cords|vocal cord in English

set of organs in the throat responsible for the production of voice

Use "vocal cords|vocal cord" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vocal cords|vocal cord" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vocal cords|vocal cord", or refer to the context using the word "vocal cords|vocal cord" in the English Dictionary.

1. Awake fibreoptic laryngobronchoscopy reveals normal airway anatomy, intense adduction of false and true vocal cords during inspiration and normal vocal cord motion on expiration.

2. Arytenoid helps to move the vocal cords

3. Curly, he had his vocal cords clipped.

4. The vocal cords are attached to Arytenoid cartilages

5. The Arytenoids are attached to the vocal cords.

6. When you relax the vocal cords, the tone lowers.

7. Increasing tension on the vocal cords raises the pitch.

8. Four patients with breathing obstruction after surgery for advanced thyroid carcinoma were found to have bilateral vocal cord paralysis. They were treated with acute temporary laterofixation of one of the vocal cords.

9. Remember that your vocal cords vibrate when air passes them.

10. My tongue, larynx and vocal cords were still healthy and unaffected.

11. 1 There was a soft nodule on my vocal cord.

12. 12 Those dogs were debarked by removal of the true vocal cords.

13. The very delicate Creaking sound occurs from vibrations of the vocal cords

14. Unlike vocal cord paralysis, Arytenoid dislocation can be corrected with surgery.

15. An overview Creak and Creaking takes place at the vocal cord level, level 1 (see ’Various levels of the vocal tract’)

16. Vocal cords are formed this week , which is the last of your first trimester .

17. Yo, but with your messed up vocal cords, you could hit the bass notes.

18. The rubbing together of your vocal cords at above-average rates without proper lubrication.

19. In normal breathing no sound is produced as air passes over the vocal cords.

20. During your mid- teens, your larynx will enlarge; your vocal cords will thicken and elongate.

21. Your vocal cord damage has reduced but will not regrow exactly the same way.

22. Vocal exercises.

23. All of these changes reduce tension on the vocal cords, making the voice weaker and Breathier

24. The vocal cords vibrations in both creak and Creaking have a complex but regular vibratory pattern

25. /dʒ/ is a voiced Affricate consonant sound, the vocal cords vibrate as the sound is produced.